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This is Fun.

March 14, 2011 by becca

I’m a real substitute teacher. It’s fun. It is.

I still have a 5000 words/week writing goal. There will be weeks I don’t make it. And that will have to be okay. But I made it last week. And today I get to teach Kid 4’s class. Which is adorable in all its first-grade glory.

Also, Kid 2 competed? Performed? Violined? Something. She had Suzuki Federation on Saturday. She played Vivaldi. In A minor. It was stunning. Hours of practicing. Many, many hours. And? She was rated Superior. Natch. It was intense. I got a little sweaty. Especially when the first kid in their group played. Holy cow. He was a violin ninja. But My Kid 2 was awesome, and that was fun.

Also, we went to see the musical Hairspray. Oh, the joy. And that woman who played Motormouth Maybelle? She made me cry. I told husband I want to be black. He said, “I know,” and patted my head. Because he knew that at that moment, what I wanted was to be able to carry that kind of emotion in my voice. *sigh*

Then we watched BYU not quite win the championship. Poo. But there was Brick Oven Pizza involved, so it was certainly not a wasted evening. But poor Jimmer. I wanted him to come off Victorious.

I finally saw Megamind. I laughed. A lot. “And I love you, random citizen.”

Sunday = naps. Oh, yeah. I’m getting old, because daylight savings hurts. It does. Ow.

‘K – I gotta go to school now. Have a great day, and be nice to your teachers.


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(10) Comments for this blog

  1. March 14, 2011

    How cool! Good luck with the teaching! =D

  2. March 14, 2011

    How cool! Good luck with the teaching! =D

  3. Melanie Jacobson
    March 14, 2011

    My husband wants to be black. But it’s so he can wear wildly colored suits on Sunday and be able to pull it off. I want to be black because their church looks more fun. I think your reason is probably better.

  4. Melanie Jacobson
    March 14, 2011

    My husband wants to be black. But it’s so he can wear wildly colored suits on Sunday and be able to pull it off. I want to be black because their church looks more fun. I think your reason is probably better.

  5. March 14, 2011

    Oh the awesomeness. I can hardly stand it.

  6. March 14, 2011

    Oh the awesomeness. I can hardly stand it.

  7. March 15, 2011

    My daughter thinks she IS black. And I really enjoyed being a substitute teacher. I basically just taught at one school, and it didn’t take long to know every child there. It was a great time!

  8. March 15, 2011

    My daughter thinks she IS black. And I really enjoyed being a substitute teacher. I basically just taught at one school, and it didn’t take long to know every child there. It was a great time!

  9. Stacy
    March 15, 2011

    Silly Becca. The word is “Federationed.” Look at me and my inner English teacher coming out.

  10. Stacy
    March 15, 2011

    Silly Becca. The word is “Federationed.” Look at me and my inner English teacher coming out.

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