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Goals? Commitments? I should be Committed.

April 28, 2010 by becca

Another great day in Mrs. Garloch’s classes. If I could teach JUST the honors students? Sign me up. So fun.

But I seem to have made a promise. Or a commitment. Or a goal.

Am I insane?


I told these fantastic kids that they could do a galley project for me. That I would get my WIP as close to done as possible and send it in for their feedback within the next 5 weeks. Um? There’s a lot still to do in that there WIP. And I’m going to have to ramp up my writing mojo in order to make my stupid, self-imposed deadline. No that I can’t do it. I can. If I never again cook a meal. Or have a shower.

So here’s the Great Garloch Galley Project:
I’ll deliver a draft, and everyone who wants to read it will promise to send at least one positive and one negative point of feedback.
I’ll receive the feedback and decide which parts I need to change.
I’ll draft again.

Because that’s how we do it.

And really? I love going to schools. I (heart) teenagers who love books and reading and stories and life. What a great couple of days to spend with these remarkable students. Thanks, everyone!

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(7) Comments for this blog

  1. April 28, 2010

    What a great idea Becca! Plus teens will be able to see how the writing process is done. So cool!

  2. April 28, 2010

    What a cool thing to work with and like and inspire teens. I feel the same way. A lot of people like to dismiss them, but I love the fresh ideas and energy teenagers bring.

    Good luck with the gallery!

  3. April 28, 2010

    You’re insane of course, but what a great way to kick yourself in the pants! Good luck, hun!

  4. April 29, 2010

    Too bad you can’t show them how a bootcamp is done. Read it outloud and let them mark it up. They could learn a ton that way. I think it sounds awesome. High schoolers, a goal, and free editing–perfection!

  5. April 29, 2010

    You are brave and generous and awesome. They’re luckier than they probably realize.

  6. April 29, 2010

    Woot. Nothin’ like a crazy amount of pressure to get things done…to get things done, right?! It’s like a strenuous workout routine to get you pumped up for your upcoming marathon, eh? Good luck…maybe I should have someone ‘help’ me do the same thing with those illustrations I need to finish…

  7. April 29, 2010

    I love teaching honors kids, too. Funnily enough, though, I found that my MOST favorite students were the ones who had no idea they were good at language arts and then discovered–guess what–they were!

    Great idea for these kids. I bet they’ll love it.

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