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Sometimes I Beat Myself Up.

January 10, 2011 by becca

I just saved and closed my manuscript after writing these words:



I think here’s my problem. I’m trying to write like someone else.

Not so the book sounds like someone else wrote it. (Not that I haven’t tried that. Fail. Epic fail.) But more like, I’m trying to write the book from the beginning to the end, like so many writers can. And it’s dry as matzos. (I have a NewYear’sRes to use more Yiddish. Not really. I just love to try.)

See, I need to remember that I don’t really work that way. I’m not the orderly, outline-driven type. I’m the toddler playing with beads. “Oooh. Shiny. I like it.” Pick up a bead. Roll it around in my fingers. Sniff it. Hold it up to the light. Feel it get warm. Put it back. Pick up another one. Repeat until there’s a big, shiny, bright pile of beads. Then string them together. And find that it makes a story. (I’ve talked about this before. Several times. Like Here.)

But somehow I still have that Right Way guilt, like I need to do my story the way a Real Writer would.

Isn’t that bizarre?

So I’m going to read a few minutes’ worth of blogs, and then I’m going to try again. Not to write the next scene (the one that comes after the previous scene – which will SO LIKELY be deleted because it stinks), but to write what comes next – the next thing that my brain burps out.

I’ll be sure to let you know how that turns out.

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(22) Comments for this blog

  1. January 10, 2011

    I’m so the same way…which can be really hard when you’re an artist/illustrator. People want me to do illustrations in the order the pages come in…and inspiration just doesn’t work that way. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that! Good for you, for doing it YOUR way. That shows some real chutzpah. (Just a little yiddish, to end on.) 😉

  2. January 10, 2011

    I’m so the same way…which can be really hard when you’re an artist/illustrator. People want me to do illustrations in the order the pages come in…and inspiration just doesn’t work that way. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that! Good for you, for doing it YOUR way. That shows some real chutzpah. (Just a little yiddish, to end on.) 😉

  3. Renee
    January 10, 2011

    I just have to tell you how impressed I am with you, I was just telling Kevin last night on the phone how amazing you are. I loved watching you teach the children for just a few minutes in Primary yesterday, you are full of gifts and I’m glad we get to have you!!!

  4. Renee
    January 10, 2011

    I just have to tell you how impressed I am with you, I was just telling Kevin last night on the phone how amazing you are. I loved watching you teach the children for just a few minutes in Primary yesterday, you are full of gifts and I’m glad we get to have you!!!

  5. Alisa
    January 10, 2011

    I ditto Renee! I love reading what you write, so whatever your doing works awesome!

  6. Alisa
    January 10, 2011

    I ditto Renee! I love reading what you write, so whatever your doing works awesome!

  7. January 10, 2011

    I wish I could write the bead thing, but I’m too ordinary. I think you should embrace you uniqueness.

  8. January 10, 2011

    I wish I could write the bead thing, but I’m too ordinary. I think you should embrace you uniqueness.

  9. January 10, 2011

    Please don’t tell me there’s a “right” way to write, or I’m completely hosed. Particularly since my novel has three concurrent story lines. So I write about one set of characters for a while, until they bore me. Then I write about the cat, until he bores me. Then I write about the main characters, who, unless someone kills or kisses someone soon, run the risk of REALLY boring me.

    Rinse. Repeat.

  10. January 10, 2011

    Please don’t tell me there’s a “right” way to write, or I’m completely hosed. Particularly since my novel has three concurrent story lines. So I write about one set of characters for a while, until they bore me. Then I write about the cat, until he bores me. Then I write about the main characters, who, unless someone kills or kisses someone soon, run the risk of REALLY boring me.

    Rinse. Repeat.

  11. January 10, 2011

    Wait. We’re supposed to write things in order? Oy Vey.

  12. January 10, 2011

    Wait. We’re supposed to write things in order? Oy Vey.

  13. Melanie Jacobson
    January 10, 2011

    I don’t work well by outline but I’m very linear. I guess my beads are all on a string already or I lose it a little.

  14. Melanie Jacobson
    January 10, 2011

    I don’t work well by outline but I’m very linear. I guess my beads are all on a string already or I lose it a little.

  15. January 11, 2011

    I yearn to write chronologically too, but sometimes, that one scene, that shiny bead, pops up…and I have to chase it. Otherwise? Lost.

    String those beads, Becca. It’s what you do best.

  16. January 11, 2011

    I yearn to write chronologically too, but sometimes, that one scene, that shiny bead, pops up…and I have to chase it. Otherwise? Lost.

    String those beads, Becca. It’s what you do best.

  17. January 12, 2011

    I do both, outline and pants it. Chronologically is hard for me. But as long as I can get it to piece together, I’m happy. =)

  18. January 12, 2011

    I do both, outline and pants it. Chronologically is hard for me. But as long as I can get it to piece together, I’m happy. =)

  19. January 13, 2011

    You writers so impress me. I imagine getting the flow is one of the hardest parts to the process. I am sure you will nail it.

  20. January 13, 2011

    You writers so impress me. I imagine getting the flow is one of the hardest parts to the process. I am sure you will nail it.

  21. January 19, 2011

    I’m this way too. I have lots of guilt over chronological order–even though that’s silly. *hugs* and *hugs again* just because.

  22. January 19, 2011

    I’m this way too. I have lots of guilt over chronological order–even though that’s silly. *hugs* and *hugs again* just because.

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