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MATCHED, Ally Condie, and Free Books!

November 30, 2010 by becca
I "borrowed" this perfect image from Ally's blog.

Do you know what day this is? Do you? It’s November 30th, the day MATCHED by Ally Condie is finally released to all of us mere mortals. People have been talking about this book. Lots of people. Lots of talking.

The Wall Street Journal said THIS.

Entertainment Weekly said THIS.

Publishers Weekly?  Kirkus? Booklist?

Kirkus, Starred Review–”Condie peels back layer after dystopic layer at breakneck speed, Dylan Thomas reverberating throughout. If the Society’s at war, who’s the enemy? Of the three tablets carried by everyone, what does the red one do? …A fierce, unforgettable page-turner in its own right.”

Publisher’s Weekly, Starred Review. –”Condie’s enthralling and twisty dystopian plot is well served by her intriguing characters and fine writing. While the ending is unresolved (the book is first in a trilogy), Cassia’s metamorphosis is gripping and satisfying.”

Booklist. –”The stunning clarity and attention to detail in Condie’s Big Brother–like world is a feat. Some readers might find the Society to be a close cousin of Lois Lowry’sdystopian future in The Giver (1993), with carefully chosen work placements, constant monitoring, andpills for regulating emotional extremes. However, the author just as easily tears this world apart while deftly exploring the individual cost of societal perfection and the sacrifices inherent in freedom of choice.”

The Independent Booksellers of Indie Next?

I know, right? It’s a big, big deal.

Here’s what I want to tell you about the book. It is lovely. Lyrical. Elegant. Exciting. Intriguing. Cerebral. (I work really hard not to be spoilery around here, and it may happen that I don’t tell you anything about the book at all. That is not my intention. Just want to whet your whistle, so to speak.) Characters (especially Cassia, Ky, and Xander) are shaded, in great ways. I found myself not sure what I wanted to happen, because I wanted to sort of protect everyone from The Effects, you know? I’m giving this book my fullest recommendation. Go ahead and pick yourself up a copy or two or three.

How about one for free?

Why, sure. The generous folks at Penguin have offered two copies to people who read this here blog. I’m not kidding. If you want one, leave me a comment. We’ll do the random winner draw on Friday morning.

But Wait! There’s More!

We’ve seen how many people think MATCHED is awesome, and now I’m here to tell you how Ally is awesome. (It’s not the same thing, you know, for an author to write a fabulous book, and to be an excellent person. When it happens, it’s a lucky and wonderful coincidence. Like this one.)

Boys and girls, I’d like you to meet Ally.

Photo Credit: Brook Andreoli. Thanks, Brook!

I know. Isn’t she lovely? Ally agreed to do a little interview with me, which is so great of her, because I happen to know she’s neck-deep in Book 2 revisions. And before you read the interview, there are a couple of things I’d like you to know about Ally. She is funny. She thinks she’s not, but she’s wrong. Very funny. She has a terrific husband and three beautiful sons. She is gracious. She loves food like I love food. She is modest and humble and unassuming. She is, really, one of the loveliest women I know, and I am grateful to be able to call her my friend.

So, on to the interview:

Becca’s Question: If you had three uninterrupted hours (I know, just come with me to the land of make-believe), what would you love to do?

Ally’s Answer: *Okay, that would be awesome. Here’s what I would do:  I would go running(in the daylight!) and then I would have a really long shower. Then I would write something for fun. Then I would go to lunch with a great friend. 😉

(Do you think she means me? I’m going to totally assume so. Feel free to assume the same.)

B: How do you quantify a good writing day? Word count? Tears produced? Kids ignored? Ache in the joints? Some other method?

A: *I like to feel like the manuscript moved forward somehow. Whether that’s writing a new scene, or deleting a bad one, or having a new idea–anything that makes me feel that progress is being made!

B: When you were seven years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? How about when you were 12?

A: *When I was seven, I wanted to be an animal protector. I don’t know what that is but it is documented in the journal my parents kept for me. When I was twelve I wanted to be a writer or a teacher.

(I love that her parents still kept a journal for her when she was seven. I should be such a mom. Also, she is a writer and a teacher – wow. What if I did what I thought I’d do when I was twelve? I wanted to be a National Geographic photographer. Yeah, not so much.)

B: Sweet or salty snacks?

A: *Sweet!

B: When you write, do you prefer music or silence?

A: *I prefer silence but I love to listen to music before I write or while I’m editing to set the mood.

B: Be honest – when you saw the mock-up for MATCHED’s cover, did you cry?

A: *No, I didn’t, but my heart started pounding and I kind of couldn’t breathe because I loved it so much.

B: What did you do to celebrate your book deal with Dutton?

A: *First, I cried. Then my husband came home and we cried and then giggled. Then we got takeout from the Bombay House and ate that and cried some more because it was so delicious. Seriously, though, it was so surprising and wonderful and overwhelming and there were a LOT of tears.

(So there are the tears. I knew they’d be there.)

B: What books did you/will you buy as gifts this year?

A: *I think everyone should have the chance to read Where the Mountain Meets the Moon and The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. I have been giving away a lot of copies of both of those books and will be giving away more for Christmas!

B: Do you have a favorite film adaptation of a book?

A: *Cry, the Beloved Country. Such a great book, and the movie feels very true to it but stands on its own as well.

B: How do you relax?

A: *I love to run and read and hang out with my husband. He always makes me laugh and that really helps.

B: When will we see Books 2 and 3? And what should we call the series?

A: *The books should be released a year apart, so November 2011 for Book 2 and November 2012 for Book 3. Right now we’re calling it the Matched Trilogy, which is great, but feel free to let me know if you think of something sexier.

B: Have you put up your Christmas tree yet?

A: *Yes! It’s tilting to the side a little but it is fully decorated, mostly on the bottom half because the kids are short.

B: Do you love the travel you’ve started doing (for promo reasons)? Or does it stress you out?

A: *I love the being there part. I love being in new cities and meeting new people and talking books. But it is hard for me to leave my kids. They are still very young. Luckily, Penguin is great about working with me and they always make the time away as easy on my family as possible (they help me work around my mom’s schedule so she can always come help out with the kids; schedule things efficiently, etc.).

B: Shall we talk about Launch Parties?

A: I’m so excited because I’ve never had a launch party before and now I get to have two!

Let us party with Ally: At the King’s English Bookshop (Saturday December 4th) and the Provo Library (Tuesday December 7th) Get yourselves to Utah, friends.

And in the mean time, let’s give away books. Leave me a comment, and you’re in the game for a copy of MATCHED. Several will enter, two will win. If you live in my house, you’re out. Contest closes at midnight on Thursday (except seeing how I only stay up till 10, the contest is open until I get up about 5 on Friday). Thanks again to the generous Penguins who are donating copies of MATCHED.

And a thousand thanks to Ally for coming by on this very cold morning in the Frozen Mountaintops (negative 5 this morning – mmmm, yeah). We love you , Ally, and we can’t wait for the whole world to fall in love with Cassia, Ky, and Xander!


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(92) Comments for this blog

  1. Kim Jensen
    November 30, 2010

    I love free books. I also love reading your posts. Because of your encouragement (and mine) Kaleb has started writing a book. You’re great.

  2. Kim Jensen
    November 30, 2010

    I love free books. I also love reading your posts. Because of your encouragement (and mine) Kaleb has started writing a book. You’re great.

  3. November 30, 2010

    Thanks for the book recommendations. I am always looking for a great new read! Hope you are all well and anticipating a fun Christmas season!

  4. November 30, 2010

    Thanks for the book recommendations. I am always looking for a great new read! Hope you are all well and anticipating a fun Christmas season!

  5. Shera
    November 30, 2010

    Hey, Becca! We are doing well after the move–it went smoothly 🙂 I love your posts! Thanks for the book recommendations! I always love the books you suggest! I can’t wait to read “Matched”! Hope all is well with you and your family! Thanks for being my friend!

  6. Shera
    November 30, 2010

    Hey, Becca! We are doing well after the move–it went smoothly 🙂 I love your posts! Thanks for the book recommendations! I always love the books you suggest! I can’t wait to read “Matched”! Hope all is well with you and your family! Thanks for being my friend!

  7. November 30, 2010

    I CAN’T WAIT to read this book!! Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway!

  8. November 30, 2010

    I CAN’T WAIT to read this book!! Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway!

  9. November 30, 2010

    I’m still dying to read this book… Love Ally. Can’t wait to read the book. Hopefully I get lucky this time! Thanks for the recommendation and the opportunity to win a copy. 🙂

  10. November 30, 2010

    I’m still dying to read this book… Love Ally. Can’t wait to read the book. Hopefully I get lucky this time! Thanks for the recommendation and the opportunity to win a copy. 🙂

  11. November 30, 2010

    Um…yes please? Great interview! My whistle is whetted!

  12. November 30, 2010

    Um…yes please? Great interview! My whistle is whetted!

  13. November 30, 2010

    I’m very excited for Ally–and for myself so I can finally read it! =D Every time I’ve met Ally, she’s been so kind. In fact, it’s the kind of “kind” that just floors you. She’s thoughtful, sincere, humble, and genuinely interested. I quite like her. =]

    Happy Release Day, Ally!

  14. November 30, 2010

    I’m very excited for Ally–and for myself so I can finally read it! =D Every time I’ve met Ally, she’s been so kind. In fact, it’s the kind of “kind” that just floors you. She’s thoughtful, sincere, humble, and genuinely interested. I quite like her. =]

    Happy Release Day, Ally!

  15. Melanie Jacobson
    November 30, 2010

    I want, I need, I MUST have this book.

    Ally really is a cool girl. A few years ago (three, now?) when I first started writing, my sister went to a book signing (West Jordan-ish)and met Ally. When my sister mentioned that I had started writing, Ally, of her own free will, told her to tell me to email her with any questions I had and she’d be glad to help. I had never even thought to do such a thing, but I took her up on it. She pointed me, a stranger, in the direction of all kinds of great links and resources that gave me a complete jump start on starting my publishing journey.

    I doubt she remembers doing that, but here I am, on the brink of having my first two books come out, and she was one of the very first people to offer help on that journey. She’s neat, and I’m delighted for her.

    And I want to win that book.

  16. Melanie Jacobson
    November 30, 2010

    I want, I need, I MUST have this book.

    Ally really is a cool girl. A few years ago (three, now?) when I first started writing, my sister went to a book signing (West Jordan-ish)and met Ally. When my sister mentioned that I had started writing, Ally, of her own free will, told her to tell me to email her with any questions I had and she’d be glad to help. I had never even thought to do such a thing, but I took her up on it. She pointed me, a stranger, in the direction of all kinds of great links and resources that gave me a complete jump start on starting my publishing journey.

    I doubt she remembers doing that, but here I am, on the brink of having my first two books come out, and she was one of the very first people to offer help on that journey. She’s neat, and I’m delighted for her.

    And I want to win that book.

  17. Jayne
    November 30, 2010

    I’ve been excited for this one since you started blogging about it a while ago. And the cover is incredibly beautiful!

  18. Jayne
    November 30, 2010

    I’ve been excited for this one since you started blogging about it a while ago. And the cover is incredibly beautiful!

  19. November 30, 2010

    This book sounds incredible. I really want one!

    Congratulations to Ally!

  20. November 30, 2010

    This book sounds incredible. I really want one!

    Congratulations to Ally!

  21. November 30, 2010

    I love books, especially free ones. Maybe that’s why I spend so much time at the library lately.

  22. November 30, 2010

    I love books, especially free ones. Maybe that’s why I spend so much time at the library lately.

  23. Holli Meza
    November 30, 2010

    Hi Becca! I’ve been reading your blog for a while now. I love it! If I don’t win, I think I definitely need to go buy myself a copy! But I hope I win!:)

  24. Holli Meza
    November 30, 2010

    Hi Becca! I’ve been reading your blog for a while now. I love it! If I don’t win, I think I definitely need to go buy myself a copy! But I hope I win!:)

  25. November 30, 2010

    Yay! I’ll be there on the 4th! =) Ally is so great. I only have nice things to say about her. I’m so excited for her great success. Great interview Becca! =D

  26. November 30, 2010

    Yay! I’ll be there on the 4th! =) Ally is so great. I only have nice things to say about her. I’m so excited for her great success. Great interview Becca! =D

  27. Stacy
    November 30, 2010

    Sweet! I just finished a series, and have been wanting something new to read. Thanks for the recommendation.

  28. Stacy
    November 30, 2010

    Sweet! I just finished a series, and have been wanting something new to read. Thanks for the recommendation.

  29. November 30, 2010

    Sounds like a great writer and a great book. Thanks for the recommendation!

  30. November 30, 2010

    Sounds like a great writer and a great book. Thanks for the recommendation!

  31. Tina
    November 30, 2010

    I love your blog! Thanks for helping me feel that even after a crazy day, it was all worth it.

  32. Tina
    November 30, 2010

    I love your blog! Thanks for helping me feel that even after a crazy day, it was all worth it.

  33. […] too much about the book. So I’m continuing the Holiday Gift Guide 2010. However, I will link here to lovely author Becca Wilhite’s blog. She is giving away two copies of MATCHED, provided by […]

  34. […] too much about the book. So I’m continuing the Holiday Gift Guide 2010. However, I will link here to lovely author Becca Wilhite’s blog. She is giving away two copies of MATCHED, provided by […]

  35. Meredith Smith
    December 1, 2010

    Win or not, I can’t wait to read it! And I’m adding the two that she mentioned to my list as well. Hope you guys have a wonderful holiday. Much love!

  36. Meredith Smith
    December 1, 2010

    Win or not, I can’t wait to read it! And I’m adding the two that she mentioned to my list as well. Hope you guys have a wonderful holiday. Much love!

  37. Kim
    December 1, 2010

    Matched sounds wonderful. I’ve heard so many good things about it. Thanks for sharing the interview, and for the book giveaway!

  38. Kim
    December 1, 2010

    Matched sounds wonderful. I’ve heard so many good things about it. Thanks for sharing the interview, and for the book giveaway!

  39. December 1, 2010

    I can’t wait to read Matched!! I’m soo excited!

  40. December 1, 2010

    I can’t wait to read Matched!! I’m soo excited!

  41. Lindy Selander
    December 1, 2010

    Hi Becca! I love when you tell me about awesome books! I haven’t had time to read as much lately, but I can’t find books fast enough for Morgan. She reads like 3 books a week somehow, so I’m always looking for good teen reads. Matched sounds cool. I heard it compared to The Giver, which I read a year ago and liked a lot. XOXO

  42. Lindy Selander
    December 1, 2010

    Hi Becca! I love when you tell me about awesome books! I haven’t had time to read as much lately, but I can’t find books fast enough for Morgan. She reads like 3 books a week somehow, so I’m always looking for good teen reads. Matched sounds cool. I heard it compared to The Giver, which I read a year ago and liked a lot. XOXO

  43. Juliette
    December 1, 2010

    I can’t wait to read this book! I’ve heard so much about it!

  44. Juliette
    December 1, 2010

    I can’t wait to read this book! I’ve heard so much about it!

  45. December 1, 2010

    would loooooove a copy of this! so excited to read it.

  46. December 1, 2010

    would loooooove a copy of this! so excited to read it.

  47. December 1, 2010

    Goodness, I’d better sign up for the free book drawing! She sounds as delightful as you, Becca. I can see why you’re friends.

  48. December 1, 2010

    Goodness, I’d better sign up for the free book drawing! She sounds as delightful as you, Becca. I can see why you’re friends.

  49. Becky
    December 1, 2010

    You know I want a free book 🙂 If I don’t win it I’ll go buy it anyway! We always love your book recommendations around this house.

  50. Becky
    December 1, 2010

    You know I want a free book 🙂 If I don’t win it I’ll go buy it anyway! We always love your book recommendations around this house.

Comments are closed.