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What about this?

February 10, 2011 by becca

I originally posted this in October, but then I found out that it was SOTS (sort of top secret) and hid the post. But now the news is public, so here you get it again. Because it’s still exciting, and it’s still news, and the photos we took have LOADS of leafy trees in them.

Sunday morning, my parents met with their bishop  and he said, “This comes as a surprise to me, but I’m authorized to extend you a call to serve in the Nauvoo Temple Mission. You leave in April.” (It came as a surprise to me, too.)

If you didn’t understand any of that, I will be happy to explain. A bishop is a pastor. People of our faith (LDS, Mormons, Really Nice People) sometimes serve missions. You’ve likely seen the 19 and 20-year-old variety biking or walking around your town. There’s a white-haired contingent, too, and my parents are going to join them. In Nauoo, which is in Illinois, exactly 4.25 hours from everything.  Except the Mississippi River, which in floody seasons, actually covers part of the town. Once upon a 1840s time, there was a Mormon temple in Nauvoo, but when the Mormons got kicked out, the temple was destroyed. Which is terrible. Tragic, really. But the temple was rebuilt, and is a beautiful house of worship once again. (This photo, above, Husband took, and I just hold my face up to the computer screen and breathe easier with all those trees.)

The town is great – full of gorgeous restored brick houses with chimneys (did you know I love a brick house with chimneys?). And there are lots of fun things to do there, to play and to learn about historic Mormon-ness. Like in all these photos I took (except the really good ones, which, natch, Husband took) of my kids playing there many years ago (5 years ago, if I remember correctly):

Here’s Kid 1, back in the day.

And Kid 2, with the glasses of cute-itude.

And Kid 3 on the totally authentic Pioneer stilts.

I know, right? Give me that time machine and let me live in that day, forever. Kid 4 on the cutest sheep anywhere.

And not only that, but this place has the best trees in the known world. Like this one:

Breathe with me.

And my parents are going to go there. To live, and work, and get bit by many, many bugs. (That last part? That’s a bonus. Not really what they signed up for, but they’re going to get it anyway. I know this. I’ve been there. Many times.)

So, yea for them. This is huge fun for my family, and we’re completely excited for Grandpa Brent and Grandma Mimi to have this grand adventure.

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(24) Comments for this blog

  1. Abbi
    October 12, 2010

    You should come visit while they are here! They will be 5 hours from us and we could not be more excited!! I know they will be on a mission, but I am sure we can pull off seeing them once or twice or okay…mybe three times…can you tell we are SO excited for them?

  2. Abbi
    October 12, 2010

    You should come visit while they are here! They will be 5 hours from us and we could not be more excited!! I know they will be on a mission, but I am sure we can pull off seeing them once or twice or okay…mybe three times…can you tell we are SO excited for them?

  3. October 12, 2010

    You’re right. Those trees are breathable. =]

    What beautiful kids you have. What awesome pictures! I’m very happy for your parents. (And a bit envious, too!)

  4. October 12, 2010

    You’re right. Those trees are breathable. =]

    What beautiful kids you have. What awesome pictures! I’m very happy for your parents. (And a bit envious, too!)

  5. October 12, 2010

    How long will they be there? This may be a good excuse for my young family to visit Nauvoo!

  6. October 12, 2010

    How long will they be there? This may be a good excuse for my young family to visit Nauvoo!

  7. October 12, 2010

    Hooray!!! That is so cool Becca! And the Nauvoo Temple? I give it two thumbs up!

  8. October 12, 2010

    Hooray!!! That is so cool Becca! And the Nauvoo Temple? I give it two thumbs up!

  9. October 12, 2010

    Can I just say that Nauvoo is my absolute favorite place in this whole wide world. Not joking. We go almost every summer, if we can. We missed it this year and I’m still upset about it.

    My dream is to be like your parents and serve a mission there with my cute hubby when our teeth aren’t ours anymore and our hair is white.

    We’re just rocking out here in VA–kicking some butt at soccer and loving the beautiful leaves as they change color.

    Oh, and I made the most delicious roast ever on Sunday. Still eating leftovers.

  10. October 12, 2010

    Can I just say that Nauvoo is my absolute favorite place in this whole wide world. Not joking. We go almost every summer, if we can. We missed it this year and I’m still upset about it.

    My dream is to be like your parents and serve a mission there with my cute hubby when our teeth aren’t ours anymore and our hair is white.

    We’re just rocking out here in VA–kicking some butt at soccer and loving the beautiful leaves as they change color.

    Oh, and I made the most delicious roast ever on Sunday. Still eating leftovers.

  11. October 12, 2010

    How very, very cool. And those pix are so darn cute, every single one of them.

  12. October 12, 2010

    How very, very cool. And those pix are so darn cute, every single one of them.

  13. OmaHeck
    October 12, 2010

    Dang. Were my kids that young when we went to Nauvoo?

  14. OmaHeck
    October 12, 2010

    Dang. Were my kids that young when we went to Nauvoo?

  15. October 12, 2010

    We didn’t get to go on that last trip…and so we’re planning on making one this summer! We’ll hope to see you, too, Abbi and gang! We’re so excited for them!

  16. October 12, 2010

    We didn’t get to go on that last trip…and so we’re planning on making one this summer! We’ll hope to see you, too, Abbi and gang! We’re so excited for them!

  17. mimi
    October 12, 2010

    I am with you on the trees. I love the pictures and am so excited for your parents – makes me want to go there. I haven’t been to Nauvoo since ’94, that was before they even rebuilt the temple. And now with one being built in Indiana, well, I’m feeling like it’s time to take a trip back to my midwestern roots.

  18. mimi
    October 12, 2010

    I am with you on the trees. I love the pictures and am so excited for your parents – makes me want to go there. I haven’t been to Nauvoo since ’94, that was before they even rebuilt the temple. And now with one being built in Indiana, well, I’m feeling like it’s time to take a trip back to my midwestern roots.

  19. Jackie
    October 16, 2010

    Ok– having absolutely nothing to do with the topic of the post… your kids are so ridiculously cute. I have the pleasure of knowing that first-hand, of course, every time they enter my classroom…
    But that pic of Kid 4 on the sheep?? He’s even cuter than I knew he was!! And Kid 3 behind that bonnet?? Why, oh WHY doesn’t she wear those glasses still?
    There’s a genetic cute-gene swimming around in your family’s DNA…

  20. Jackie
    October 16, 2010

    Ok– having absolutely nothing to do with the topic of the post… your kids are so ridiculously cute. I have the pleasure of knowing that first-hand, of course, every time they enter my classroom…
    But that pic of Kid 4 on the sheep?? He’s even cuter than I knew he was!! And Kid 3 behind that bonnet?? Why, oh WHY doesn’t she wear those glasses still?
    There’s a genetic cute-gene swimming around in your family’s DNA…

  21. Jackie
    October 16, 2010

    …Oops. I know why she doesn’t wear them — ’cause she’s not Kid 3. HA! I see the caption says Kid 2. (Aren’t you glad I teach the gifted and talented youth of the Valley…?)

  22. Jackie
    October 16, 2010

    …Oops. I know why she doesn’t wear them — ’cause she’s not Kid 3. HA! I see the caption says Kid 2. (Aren’t you glad I teach the gifted and talented youth of the Valley…?)

  23. Melanie Jacobson
    February 11, 2011

    How awesome. My friend served there and LOVED it. So cool!

  24. Melanie Jacobson
    February 11, 2011

    How awesome. My friend served there and LOVED it. So cool!

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