If I make a comment on a blog, and am required to verify, I am taken by surprise when I realize that my verification is really an actual word. Which causes me to wonder…
Are all the verifications real words? Are there that many words that I have never seen, let alone understood or used?
It makes me feel a little small.
And don’t even get me started on how I feel if the word is some sort of directive (such as “simplify” or “atone” or “mismanage”). It’s all too personal. And yes, I tend to take my fortune cookies as literal prophesies. But only if they’re good ones. (The prophesies, not the cookies.)
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I saw “Bright Blue Miracle” in the Deseret Book mailer. I thought the plot sounded familiar and I googled your name to see if it was written by the same women from that UVU class last year. Congratulations on your book. I can’t wait to read it.