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Enjoy Sweet Romantic Comedy

A Few of the Summertime Feels

June 3, 2022 by becca

I’m done teaching.

Not just for the school year. I mean, I’m DONE teaching.

And I feel things about this.

Mostly super happy things. I love not having my alarm set. I love going outside when I feel like it. I love wearing sweats and not doing my hair/face. I love taking a nap in the afternoon. I love going on long walks. I love seeing the leaves on trees and knowing that the season is staying here for months and I’m not going to miss it. I love writing in the morning. I love reading messages and looking at Instagram and writing long texts.

But of course there are things I’ll miss.

And I know what they are and you probably do, too.

I’m also in a play. It’s lovely. Two of my students wrote it (one who just graduated and one who is going to be a senior) and we’re performing it in our community theater. People are coming. They’re laughing. They’re crying. They’re loving the show (and not ONLY because they love the kids who wrote it). That feels great. And it will be done tomorrow night. And that feels great, too.

I’m finishing a book, which I hope I will publish (on Kindle, etc) in a month.

I’ve lost 20 pounds. In a good way.

I’m dogless. That’s a really great part.

We’re wedding planning for Ellie and Kian. I’m looking at and then ignoring clothes ads online.

I quit using my super awesome gel nail polish/light system because my fingernails have become mere shells of tissue; I’m putting collagen in my shakes and smoothies to heal the damage.

I have a long list of stuff to do.

And I’m going to sit outside with a book instead of doing any of it. This is my life now.

And it feels good.

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