We have made it to April, and suddenly it’s not 17 degrees anymore. Like, really suddenly. It’s sunny, warm, perfect outside. Today is the last (only) day off of school in 4th term. And I spent an hour of the afternoon sitting on a chair in the sun.
With lots of sunblock.
I want a little sunburn, but not a big one. And the first one… is almost always a big one.
I’m having lots of thoughts these days, and I think I’ll come back here more often to put some of them down.
Things are in flux. Changes are (maybe) coming, and confidence is wiggly. But I’m working to shore up that confidence, both internally and otherwise. I find that helping others increase their confidence helps me, too. And, weirdly, I’m finding a little joy doing that on social media. Not a place I’m terribly comfortable to hang out. But I’m seeking places to send encouragement, and that’s an easy start.
Tomorrow is 4. 3. 21… which is fun and stuff, but feels like something of a lead-in to (*something*).
Happy Spring. It’s good to be back here.