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Losing my Cool

September 9, 2020 by becca

In the last two days I have lost my chill at two different moments. In one class, I clapped back at a sophomore who simply did not know when to shut his adorable mouth. (I apologized to him before the end of the period, and asked for his forgiveness; he graciously gave it and apologized for crossing the line. Whew. Crisis averted.)

And in what (in hindsight) was probably a passive-agressive nod to the aforementioned loss of my cool, I told one of my classes about how I am fairly easygoing, but I need to feel respected AND THEN THESE TWO BROS IN THE BACK JUST IGNORED ME AND KEPT TALKING DIRECTLY TO EACH OTHER UNTIL I ACTUALLY FULLY CALLED THEM OUT. I hate when I lose it like this, but seriously, these kids are proud of their reputations as disrespecters. GAH.

I should say that I’m pretty chill most of the time. I’m a nice teacher. I treat kids with respect (I almost just wrote “all the time” except obviously not) most of the time. I know a few things. I understand and believe that kids will follow my lead.

But wow. I’m getting old, and cranky, and less likely to be okay when a kid is middle-finger-ing me. #prayforchill

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