Welcome to Becca Wilhite's Author Site
Enjoy Sweet Romantic Comedy


July 22, 2020 by becca

Sometimes when I jog two miles in a row, I feel like I’ve done something incredibly virtuous and praiseworthy.

And sometimes when I finish a draft of a manuscript that takes much research and thought and prayer and struggle and tears and heartache, I feel like it’s silly to be proud of myself.

Sometimes I judge my (worst) self against everyone else’s (best) self.

And sometimes I give myself a big old break, remembering to speak to and about myself like I’d speak to and about someone I love. I eat all the ice cream and watch a season of whatever in about three days.

I think that someplace inside there, between those extremes, lies the ideal space for me. Where I can be proud of my accomplishments, big and small, without taking myself too seriously. Where I can hold myself to a meaningful, reasonable standard without feeling crushing disappointment.

My work right now is to uncover that space.

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