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Enjoy Sweet Romantic Comedy

They Say…

November 19, 2008 by becca

Among other things, “they” say that time flies, especially when it comes to kids growing up. It struck me today in a moment of pondering (that’s what I call it when the house is quiet — otherwise all my moments are of either listening or avoiding) that next year, I will have a kid entering kindergarten and a kid entering high school. Yes. I am aware that I don’t look old enough to have a kid entering high school. That is because I am lucky. And I got married young, and had a baby the next year. But I assure you, I am old enough, and I am still stunned.

I hope so many things for her as she starts off that adventure. I hope for fun, and for success, and for a lot of laughs. I hope for friends who are kind and good. I hope for teachers that challenge and encourage. I hope more than anything for confidence in herself. *That probably needs its own post, because why can’t we wrap confidence up in pretty paper and a nice bow and just hand it to someone? I can think of several people I like very much and know very well who could use a gift like that. But I heard someone wise (Hi McNaughtan) say “Confidence can’t be given. It must be earned.” Hmm. More on that later, I’m sure.

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