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Enjoy Sweet Romantic Comedy


April 23, 2013 by becca

I just read a lovely post by my virtual friend Annie (who writes lyrical and pointed prose and gives perfect recommendations on how to spend a couple of afternoons in New York City) about a podcast she recently listened to. Much loveliness there, but the thing that spoke to me most was this, in my non-poetic retelling: My GPS unit is a role model for me. She (my GPS is a lady) knows where she’s going and how she’d like to get there. But when I get it wrong, she doesn’t pitch a fit. She simply recalculates. (Is it only me, or does your GPS say “Recalculating” more often than anything else?) I would like to be like my GPS in the manner of patient, gentle recalculating. In the course of a day or a week or a month, there are ample (that’s me being gentle) occasions to recalculate when we get off course (usually when someone else is doing the driving), and how much happier would we all be if I were to simply say, in my elegant British accent, “Recalculating.”

Oh. You chose to sign up for that class? That wasn’t in my plan. Recalculating.

You’d like to play how many sports this summer? Recalculating.

The job I’d love is full time, not part time? Recalculating.

Wow. Look at your hair. Recalculating.

Did you just say those words in front of those people and expose me for all my idiocy and there’s no good place for me to hide? Recalculating.

My Plan is not The Plan? Recalculating.


(On a side note, months ago Husband and I were joking about what it would be like if I were to be the program voice of the GPS. It went something like this: “Get ready to turn left. Left. It’s the one to THE LEFT. Seriously? Did you not hear me? I said TURN LEFT. Why do you ask if you aren’t going to listen to me? Forget about it. Find you own way to the bowling alley. Sheesh.” *muttering* “Some people…”)

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(8) Comments for this blog

  1. L.T. Elliot
    April 23, 2013

    I never thought about it like that before. I want to be like a GPS too. (It would help in being able to steer myself, as well.) I couldn’t be the voice for one, though. *shudder* I hate the sound of my voice.

  2. L.T. Elliot
    April 23, 2013

    I never thought about it like that before. I want to be like a GPS too. (It would help in being able to steer myself, as well.) I couldn’t be the voice for one, though. *shudder* I hate the sound of my voice.

  3. Jackie
    April 23, 2013

    Over the years, I’ve read a Lot of your posts, articles, blogs, and such.

    This one. Today. Is my favorite of all.

  4. Jackie
    April 23, 2013

    Over the years, I’ve read a Lot of your posts, articles, blogs, and such.

    This one. Today. Is my favorite of all.

  5. L.T. Elliot
    April 23, 2013

    The interweb ate my comment. *growling at internet* Suffice it to say, I was agreeing with your genius, imagining the convenience of always knowing where you’re going, and lamenting the fact that my voice in any form of recording is horrid. You may continue with your day now. 😉

  6. L.T. Elliot
    April 23, 2013

    The interweb ate my comment. *growling at internet* Suffice it to say, I was agreeing with your genius, imagining the convenience of always knowing where you’re going, and lamenting the fact that my voice in any form of recording is horrid. You may continue with your day now. 😉

  7. Amber Lynae
    April 28, 2013

    What a great post. One I should redhead often. I have been working hotheaded-ness recently. I will hopefully be reminded to gently recalculate when my expectations are not met instead of letting the pot come to a boile.

  8. Amber Lynae
    April 28, 2013

    What a great post. One I should redhead often. I have been working hotheaded-ness recently. I will hopefully be reminded to gently recalculate when my expectations are not met instead of letting the pot come to a boile.

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