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Twit. Tweet. Twittery. I don’t know.

March 5, 2013 by becca

A few months ago, Lovely Agent told me I should do Twitter. As in, “Well, yeah. Of course you should do Twitter.” Except she’s much more lyrical in all her speech than I ever am in my reporting thereof. So I signed up. For Twitter. And I’ve spent some hours over the past few months watching Twitter. Enough to recognize that there’s a Cool Kids’ Table on Twitter. Possibly I’ve posted once or twice.


There. I said it. I don’t get it. I know that all four of my followers can see my twitterisms, and I am almost certain that they don’t care. I know there are people who are really good at it, and I know that they have jillions of followers to read their wit. And I know that there are people who send out messages like this ALL DAY “Buy it! I have a new product! You want it!” in 140 characters or less.

I theoretically understand that if I retweet something, someone else might see it. And I already know that the more I talk about someone else’s stuff, the better, because, see above. I find myself unable to fully commit to this practice, probably because I don’t know Real People who do it well. So, do you? Do you do this well? If you do, tell me who you are over there in Birdie-Land, and I’ll come read your twitterisms. And maybe I can learn the Right Ways to do this Twitty-ness.

(I’m @beccawilhite, because I’m terribly clever and stuff.)

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(8) Comments for this blog

  1. I feel the same way. I’m on Twitter because that’s what the cool kids do, but I’m never actually ON Twitter. I don’t get how it works and I don’t have the patience to figure it out. And I’m really not sure why people follow me at all since I NEVER post. Yeah. Glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t know what the tweet’s going on!

  2. I feel the same way. I’m on Twitter because that’s what the cool kids do, but I’m never actually ON Twitter. I don’t get how it works and I don’t have the patience to figure it out. And I’m really not sure why people follow me at all since I NEVER post. Yeah. Glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t know what the tweet’s going on!

  3. March 5, 2013

    Melanie Jacobson has really gotten into Twitter lately. Pick her lovely brain. Also, this is me, only on Pinterest. Daily, I receive notifications that I have a new follower on Pinterest, and I’m feeling a tremendous amount of pressure to pin something.

  4. March 5, 2013

    Melanie Jacobson has really gotten into Twitter lately. Pick her lovely brain. Also, this is me, only on Pinterest. Daily, I receive notifications that I have a new follower on Pinterest, and I’m feeling a tremendous amount of pressure to pin something.

  5. March 6, 2013

    I’m following you now, because you ARE one of the cool kids. You’re so cool, you don’t even KNOW you’re cool. I’m in awe. Truly.

    Twitter’s like any online network. You get to decide what kind of person you are there. Do you tweet funny quotes? Do you share anecdotes from your day? Do you complain about politics and healthcare and stuff like that? Do you promote your books and the books of all your friends? Do you do all of the above to varying degrees? If you tweet on a regular basis, it can have a pretty profound impact on how the world sees you. There definitely is some pressure there.

    The other big question is: Do you reply to other people’s tweets? This is where I, personally, lack. I tweet some funny stuff, and some interesting stuff, but I don’t interact much. The kids at the cool table seem to tweet back and forth with each other ALL DAY LONG. It boggles me, it really does.

  6. March 6, 2013

    I’m following you now, because you ARE one of the cool kids. You’re so cool, you don’t even KNOW you’re cool. I’m in awe. Truly.

    Twitter’s like any online network. You get to decide what kind of person you are there. Do you tweet funny quotes? Do you share anecdotes from your day? Do you complain about politics and healthcare and stuff like that? Do you promote your books and the books of all your friends? Do you do all of the above to varying degrees? If you tweet on a regular basis, it can have a pretty profound impact on how the world sees you. There definitely is some pressure there.

    The other big question is: Do you reply to other people’s tweets? This is where I, personally, lack. I tweet some funny stuff, and some interesting stuff, but I don’t interact much. The kids at the cool table seem to tweet back and forth with each other ALL DAY LONG. It boggles me, it really does.

  7. L.T. Elliot
    March 6, 2013

    Oh, twitter. It absolutely confounds me. For a while I used tweetdeck and that made it easier but I found I just couldn’t keep up. My brain needs more organization I think because I love on FB how everyone’s responses are in that comment box. I can keep track of it. I know where to find it. On twitter, I feel like everything’s this rushing tide and once it passes, good luck knowing where you are. I suppose I should get better at it but damned if I know how.

  8. L.T. Elliot
    March 6, 2013

    Oh, twitter. It absolutely confounds me. For a while I used tweetdeck and that made it easier but I found I just couldn’t keep up. My brain needs more organization I think because I love on FB how everyone’s responses are in that comment box. I can keep track of it. I know where to find it. On twitter, I feel like everything’s this rushing tide and once it passes, good luck knowing where you are. I suppose I should get better at it but damned if I know how.

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