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This (past) week

August 14, 2012 by becca

I know I’m one of the only people in the world who still blogs, and the other one is the Pioneer Woman, so let’s just say I’m in good company. But I do try to get in more posts than this (hello, last week! How’ve you been?).

Allow me to walk you through my life in the last seven days.

1. I printed The Manuscript. I ended up reducing the font size so as to not use so much of a ream of paper. But – irony – I managed to miscommunicate with my printer (not so hard for a champion miscommunicator like myself) and printed 2.75 copies of the story. Awesome. Because if one huge printing is good, two and three-quarters must, must, must be better. So I gave one to Kid 2, who made noises of interest in reading this draft. And the other .75 sits in the office, waiting to be scrap paper.

2. I registered 2 Kids for high school. Thus, we eat beans and rice for a month. Or two. Free public education = really expensive in August.

3. I discovered (again) that something I said in an offhand manner hurt someone I love. This is not a proud thing for me. And it happens more often than I like, and I wish (oh, I wish) it didn’t. I have a gift for thoughtlessness, and I hate that gift. If you’re among the hurt, I give a sincere blanket apology. Sheesh. I should not speak. Ever.

4. I left an ill husband and four Kids to fend for themselves and went on a writers’ retreat. Here’s the thing: I like to think my family can’t possibly do without me. I LOVE the idea that they’re miserable when I’m not here cooking for them, folding their underthingies neatly, bleaching white surfaces, and sweeping crusties off the kitchen floor. The truth is a little different. They love it when I’m gone. They totally step up, and they don’t miss me for a second. Also, Husband tested negative for strep, so there’s another bonus. They all did great without me. And could have continued to do so indefinitely. (*Note to Self: Research long-term effects of strict salt-and-vinegar chips / Bugles diet. End Note.*)

4.5. Meanwhile, I retreated to Bear Lake. Kid 4 was stunned to discover that I never actually got IN the lake. But I did look at it a great deal. I watched the water change from blue to bluer to gray to slate to amazing as the cloudcover shifted throughout a couple of days. Also I finished the latest revision. Read it on paper and then inputted (that’s totally a word) changes in the computer. I did not get distracted by facebook or blogs or email, because… no internet. Except on my phone, where I had patchy, spotty internet. And service in general. Leaving me no excuses in the text-message realm, either. I read a lot. I pondered. I fixed, and changed, and adjusted, and polished. And then I pushed “Save” and moved on. And ate a whole lot of really, really good food.

5. I started writing on something new. It had been a while since I lived anywhere but inside Fifth Gift draftiness, and it was very fun. I didn’t do a whole ton of writing on the new thing — maybe 2500 words or so. But I planned (which is different than outlining, but I wish it weren’t because I think I should get good at that particular skill, and right away) the story, and thought of some stuff that I’d like inside it, and played with ideas. And wrote some. Inside this story, there’s a historical (fake) post-WWII poet who needs a name. I love the idea of two initials and a last name (a la ee cummings, E.B. White, E.M. Forrester, but without the “Es” — SEND IDEAS. I may reward you with a book.)

6. I had a tiny breakdown. I didn’t mean to. It just happened. I got emotional, spoke something that had been inside my heart for a long time, and sort of burst open. Dear friends who were there: Fear not. I am fine. And that won’t happen again. Probably.

7. I came home fulfilled. Then I swept the kitchen floor. Then I slept for a really, really long time.

8. I sent the revisions to Agent Meredith. (My heart is beating faster, just for having written those words.)

9. Life is moving on, faster and faster. Days are short, nights are short, moments are quick.

10. I just got a look at what room and board cost at the university of Kid 1’s choice. It would be awesome if somehow I dug up a treasure box full of Spanish gold. And soon.

And so it goes. Good things, filling up the days and nights and hearts and minds. I hope things are good with you, too.

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(12) Comments for this blog

  1. Melanie Jacobson
    August 14, 2012

    I am so glad that this weekend turned into so many good things for so many good people.

  2. Melanie Jacobson
    August 14, 2012

    I am so glad that this weekend turned into so many good things for so many good people.

  3. August 14, 2012

    6. Your breakdown inspired me to have one of my own soon because I think it would be good for me and my emotions to get in touch again. Also, I think breakdowns are better than blurting out stupid things you later regreat. Which is what I maybe did.

  4. August 14, 2012

    6. Your breakdown inspired me to have one of my own soon because I think it would be good for me and my emotions to get in touch again. Also, I think breakdowns are better than blurting out stupid things you later regreat. Which is what I maybe did.

  5. OmaHeck
    August 14, 2012

    Before I read your “without the e’s” thing, the name I came up with was Edison Grant. Could have an additional last name or Grant could be the surname. I see the poet as having pariotic parents (those who put out r/w/b bunting in July and on special town days and are involved in civic and political stuff. They picked the names of 2 playaz who changed America.


  6. OmaHeck
    August 14, 2012

    Before I read your “without the e’s” thing, the name I came up with was Edison Grant. Could have an additional last name or Grant could be the surname. I see the poet as having pariotic parents (those who put out r/w/b bunting in July and on special town days and are involved in civic and political stuff. They picked the names of 2 playaz who changed America.


  7. August 14, 2012

    Having had not one but TWO little ‘breakdowns’ on that weekend, I really appreciated you having one so I didn’t feel so alone. It was very, very thoughtful of you. And the water WAS amazing, wasn’t it? Watching Jana W.P. sit on the deck and toss off water-color after water-color without missing a beat in the conversation was pretty cool. Each pic showed the water as a different color, and it all served to remind me what extraordinary women I have in my life. Don’t know why you all let me be in your club, but I’m not turning in my membership card or decoder ring. So you’re stuck with me. xo

  8. August 14, 2012

    Having had not one but TWO little ‘breakdowns’ on that weekend, I really appreciated you having one so I didn’t feel so alone. It was very, very thoughtful of you. And the water WAS amazing, wasn’t it? Watching Jana W.P. sit on the deck and toss off water-color after water-color without missing a beat in the conversation was pretty cool. Each pic showed the water as a different color, and it all served to remind me what extraordinary women I have in my life. Don’t know why you all let me be in your club, but I’m not turning in my membership card or decoder ring. So you’re stuck with me. xo

  9. August 14, 2012

    I’m thinking L.B.(Lawrence Brigham)two strong names for a post WWII poet. By the way I usually just read, and never comment.

  10. August 14, 2012

    I’m thinking L.B.(Lawrence Brigham)two strong names for a post WWII poet. By the way I usually just read, and never comment.

  11. August 17, 2012

    A writers’ retreat just sounds sublime… and I think a breakdown or two is necessary every now and then.
    And that’s great that you’re working on something new… that’s always refreshing…

  12. August 17, 2012

    A writers’ retreat just sounds sublime… and I think a breakdown or two is necessary every now and then.
    And that’s great that you’re working on something new… that’s always refreshing…

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