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May 3, 2012 by becca

Name a cliche with “catch” in it, and I’m trying to do it. Up? Yep. Catching up. With my life that’s trying to run away without me. A Break? Yep. I’m always trying to catch a break. A Tiger by the Tail? Why not? My Breath? Always.

(But so far I’m not catching a wave or catching hell. Let’s hope that all stays that way.)

New York was perfect in almost every way. I adore the upper East Side of Manhattan. I became a total pro at the subway business. I would live there (Manhattan, not in the subway) for a year. (Husband’s not convinced. I’ve got time to work on him.) It was cold and rainy and sunny and windy and cloudy and cold again, and that was great. Everyone in New York wears a scarf. Everyone. Man, woman, child, and dog. Not kidding. I was glad I had a couple of scarves, because otherwise I did NOT blend in, clothingwise. Remember how color is back? Nobody told NYC. It’s all black, all the time. I stood out like a proper tourist in my orange and blue. Ah, well. No worries.

I spent a great many hours wandering. Museums, book shops, Union Square, Times Square, Park Avenue, Madison Avenue, streets in general and specific. You’d think I’d have come home skinny, but for this: The white-flour based foods. Oh. Yes.

And now it’s time to work on my revision. Because Agent Meredith is excited about submitting, but she’s holding the reigns until I get it right. Whatever. (JUST KIDDING. I WANT IT TO BE RIGHT, TOO. THAT WAS JUST A LITTLE IRONY.) So I’m working on it in chunks and pieces. And it will be great. Because she has good, good, good ideas. And she asks important questions (like “So, what happened to that character who was so important for the first 2/3 of your story? Where did he go?” Oh, that.)

But today, and tomorrow, and also Saturday, it’s time to conference. I’m ready to party with the LDS Storymakers’ people. I’m helping with an intensive workshop critique today (in a few minutes now), and I’m teaching a class on overcoming the things that keep us from writing. That will be Saturday. Right before lunch. Also I made a presentation. Like Powerpoint, sort of, but not. Because it’s different. And nothing flushes off the screen. (The Flush transition always makes me disregard any further points of interest in a PP presentation. You’ve been warned.)

And if you’re in the direct vicinity of Provo, Utah, there’s a massive book signing Friday night (I’ve heard that there might be 100 authors there) at the Marriott at 100N and 100W. I’ll be there. Wearing orange, so you can find me. Maybe that trick won’t work so well in Provo as it worked in Times Square, but I’m trying it anyway. If you come, come say hi. I’ll sign a book for you. Or your arm. Or whatever you stick in front of me, You’ve been warned.


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(8) Comments for this blog

  1. May 3, 2012

    Hey, can I get the notes from your class? I am super struggling with writing this year. I let everything get in the way. This is not good! And I’m can’t come to the conference, so….please??

    And your trip sounds lovely. I’m sure your story will turn out perfect.

  2. May 3, 2012

    Hey, can I get the notes from your class? I am super struggling with writing this year. I let everything get in the way. This is not good! And I’m can’t come to the conference, so….please??

    And your trip sounds lovely. I’m sure your story will turn out perfect.

  3. Jayne
    May 4, 2012

    I wish I could have seen your orange and blue amid all the black. I can picture it, though! It’s almost like the way you seem to stand out any way, don’t you think?

    I totally mean that as a good thing.

  4. Jayne
    May 4, 2012

    I wish I could have seen your orange and blue amid all the black. I can picture it, though! It’s almost like the way you seem to stand out any way, don’t you think?

    I totally mean that as a good thing.

  5. OmaHeck
    May 6, 2012

    Does all this catching put you in a catch 22?

  6. OmaHeck
    May 6, 2012

    Does all this catching put you in a catch 22?

  7. May 10, 2012

    I am glad you had fun in NYC. I love that experience each time I go.

    I am sure your presentation at the writing conference went well. You are good at the whole in front of people kinda thing! Did you sing your Holier Than Thou piece to get their humble attention?

  8. May 10, 2012

    I am glad you had fun in NYC. I love that experience each time I go.

    I am sure your presentation at the writing conference went well. You are good at the whole in front of people kinda thing! Did you sing your Holier Than Thou piece to get their humble attention?

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