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Can I love it (and be so done with it at the same time)?

December 1, 2011 by becca

I’m almost through revising. Again.


It’s not really something that I do once and POOF! A great book! It’s more like “Okay, so if I look at one more sentence I’ve read a million times, will it somehow restructure itself to be that mystical, magical “fresh voice” that editors and agents everywhere will fall in love with?” So, what I’m saying is, I’m getting a little tired of this story. And its words. And its structure. But, here’s the thing… it’s only a LITTLE tired, what I’m getting. I don’t actually hate it. In fact, I think it’s a good book. And with the help of my beta readers’ amazing suggestions, it’s getting better and better (I think).  (I hope.)

What I am really getting tired of is this chair. This one right here that I’ve duct-taped my hindparts into so I can’t go anywhere until I’ve finished. For days I’ve been in this chair, and I’m here to tell you, it isn’t getting any more comfortable.

Note to self: Someday, deserve a nice chair. Also a laptop. And a real haircut.

So here we go again, back to the revisions. I’m working it, friends. I’m trying to give you a really good book here. And as soon as that happens, I’ll be sure to let you know. Again. And again. I know. You were afraid I wouldn’t tell you, weren’t you? You thought that maybe I’d just sit here on my uncomfortable chair and hold a good book in my arms. But, fret not. I’ll get the word out, as soon as there’s word. Promise.

Back to word (that’s totally a typo, but I’m leaving it, because Word is my Work, after all).

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(14) Comments for this blog

  1. December 1, 2011

    I’ve just moved to a more comfortable chair after reading this. You really do deserve a laptop.

    It really is a great story. And beautiful. And I thought of something else I forgot to tell you, if it’s not too late. I wanted to know what that smell was. Was it actually rotten meat? And why was it there.

  2. December 1, 2011

    I’ve just moved to a more comfortable chair after reading this. You really do deserve a laptop.

    It really is a great story. And beautiful. And I thought of something else I forgot to tell you, if it’s not too late. I wanted to know what that smell was. Was it actually rotten meat? And why was it there.

  3. December 1, 2011

    You know, “revise” means “to see again.”. Maybe you need a couple of days to rest your mental eyes before looking one more time. Are you up against a deadline?

  4. December 1, 2011

    You know, “revise” means “to see again.”. Maybe you need a couple of days to rest your mental eyes before looking one more time. Are you up against a deadline?

  5. December 1, 2011

    And p.s. I plan on spending the afternoon reading your manuscript, so it’s not like NO ONE will be looking at it!

  6. December 1, 2011

    And p.s. I plan on spending the afternoon reading your manuscript, so it’s not like NO ONE will be looking at it!

  7. Jayne
    December 1, 2011

    You never cease to amaze me, Becca dahling. I can’t even begin to comprehend all that I would accomplish if I had motivation and dedication like you do!

    Like maybe I’d fold some laundry, for example.

  8. Jayne
    December 1, 2011

    You never cease to amaze me, Becca dahling. I can’t even begin to comprehend all that I would accomplish if I had motivation and dedication like you do!

    Like maybe I’d fold some laundry, for example.

  9. December 3, 2011

    Since I can eat your stuff up raw and be happy I’m pretty convinced that you’re going to end up with a masterpiece. Again.

  10. December 3, 2011

    Since I can eat your stuff up raw and be happy I’m pretty convinced that you’re going to end up with a masterpiece. Again.

  11. December 7, 2011

    Proud of you for revising. Sometimes that’s grueling–okay, most times. And 250 words can take me like…four hours. =P But I’m proud of you and I’ve seen your work, loved your work, and own your work so I have no doubts about how this will all turn out.

  12. December 7, 2011

    Proud of you for revising. Sometimes that’s grueling–okay, most times. And 250 words can take me like…four hours. =P But I’m proud of you and I’ve seen your work, loved your work, and own your work so I have no doubts about how this will all turn out.

  13. December 9, 2011

    Ahhh, revisions. I’m in the middle of one myself. I’m sooo tired of the same story, but at the same time, I want to finish it so I can feel that sense of accomplishment.

  14. December 9, 2011

    Ahhh, revisions. I’m in the middle of one myself. I’m sooo tired of the same story, but at the same time, I want to finish it so I can feel that sense of accomplishment.

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