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Speaking of Teens and Writing…

July 14, 2011 by becca

Were we speaking of that? Well, we are now.

Guys, I had the best day yesterday. I was invited to be a guest at a teen writers’ camp/workshop. The goal for the kids, by the end of the week, is to be prepared to submit to a magazine that specializes in kid/teen writing. Isn’t that awesome? It was at the University of Utah — one of the three loveliest campus-places in all of this pretty, great state[1]. I had all manner of writerly-ness planned to talk about, but when I asked them what they wanted, hey — they wanted to share story ideas. They wanted to bring out actual work and have me look at it. On a projector screen. In front of each other.

I know.

So brave.

So I talked about writing business for a few minutes, and then we talked about story ideas. In order to get to the meat of their stories without spending hours hearing details, I asked them to tell me two things: What does your character want, and what is stopping him from getting it? They had good answers. Then we read. I put away my inner proofreader, and allowed my editor free reign. If you don’t know the difference, um, it’s a valuable one to learn, if you’re into reading or writing or grocery shopping or flower gardening. [2]

We looked at 3 story beginnings. Total creativity. Awesome ideas these people have, I tell you what. And we busted out the classroom discussion, and hey — the ideas flew. They gave each other great possible solutions for sticky parts, excellent validations, and plenty of reinforcements.

It was a hotbed of writing genesis, I say. A hotbed.

(I don’t actually know what that means. As if you thought I might.)

But it was excellent fun, and I am so glad I got to be there, to visit with Miss Carrie and her kids and her class (some overlap there), and to read many excellent words.

Thanks, guys! Keep writing!

[1] Remember that ad campaign? Utah, a Pretty, Great State? Um?

[2] Just kidding. Here it is, nutshell version: Proofreading is clean-up, like grammar, spelling, punctuation, consistency. Editing is global sense-making and interest-holding. See? Not gardening or grocery shopping. Mostly.

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(16) Comments for this blog

  1. Melanie Jacobson
    July 14, 2011

    I like proof-reading better than editing because editing is hard. I think this also speaks to why I prefer sweeping the floor over washing dishes.

  2. Melanie Jacobson
    July 14, 2011

    I like proof-reading better than editing because editing is hard. I think this also speaks to why I prefer sweeping the floor over washing dishes.

  3. July 14, 2011

    How awesome!! Sounds like a great little workshop!

  4. July 14, 2011

    How awesome!! Sounds like a great little workshop!

  5. July 14, 2011

    I wish i had know about cool workshops like this when i was in high school. I could be in a totally different place right now 🙂

    And it sounds like you rocked it! Lucky kids to have the opportunity to glean from you 🙂

  6. July 14, 2011

    I wish i had know about cool workshops like this when i was in high school. I could be in a totally different place right now 🙂

    And it sounds like you rocked it! Lucky kids to have the opportunity to glean from you 🙂

  7. July 14, 2011

    I think a hotbed is a reference to volcanoes, but I could be totally making that up. And what a glorious day you had!! Love kids with guts AND talent!

  8. July 14, 2011

    I think a hotbed is a reference to volcanoes, but I could be totally making that up. And what a glorious day you had!! Love kids with guts AND talent!

  9. July 15, 2011

    Oh and a hotbed is a pile of decaying organic matter warmer than its surroundings due to the heat given off by the metabolism of the microorganisms in the decomposing pile. It creates an ideal environment for growth 🙂

  10. July 15, 2011

    Oh and a hotbed is a pile of decaying organic matter warmer than its surroundings due to the heat given off by the metabolism of the microorganisms in the decomposing pile. It creates an ideal environment for growth 🙂

  11. Teen Writers at the U
    July 15, 2011

    Thanks Becca! We have literally 15 minutes left in our class together and we just checked your blog. We feel touched you likened us to talented organic decaying matter. Just so you know, we mailed away our story submissions this afternoon. Some of us kissed them for luck. Thank you for helping our stories be that much better. You rock. In an organic non-decaying way. You were the BEST and we were so lucky to spend the day with you!

    Your fans– Hannah, Abi, Fiona, M., Lena, Rachel, Chandler, Elise, Sam, Rachel, Siri, Sarah, Lauren, Alexa, Melissa, Molly, Alex, Jessie and Carrie

  12. Teen Writers at the U
    July 15, 2011

    Thanks Becca! We have literally 15 minutes left in our class together and we just checked your blog. We feel touched you likened us to talented organic decaying matter. Just so you know, we mailed away our story submissions this afternoon. Some of us kissed them for luck. Thank you for helping our stories be that much better. You rock. In an organic non-decaying way. You were the BEST and we were so lucky to spend the day with you!

    Your fans– Hannah, Abi, Fiona, M., Lena, Rachel, Chandler, Elise, Sam, Rachel, Siri, Sarah, Lauren, Alexa, Melissa, Molly, Alex, Jessie and Carrie

  13. July 16, 2011

    okay, this sounds awesome. I did not know there were magazines for kid/teen writers. (d’uh, there’s magazines for everything else, why wouldn’t there be?) I think I need one of those for my 10 year old. Name, please?

  14. July 16, 2011

    okay, this sounds awesome. I did not know there were magazines for kid/teen writers. (d’uh, there’s magazines for everything else, why wouldn’t there be?) I think I need one of those for my 10 year old. Name, please?

  15. July 17, 2011

    You would be so good at that! I think it is so great that you have had these opportunities.

  16. July 17, 2011

    You would be so good at that! I think it is so great that you have had these opportunities.

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