Hooray — it’s time to get moving. Bills are paid. A few meals planned. Snacks purchased. Car vacuumed, full of gas and oil. Windows clean.
That’s right — road trip!
Kid 1 and I are off to drive through the desert to party it up in Vegas. (That sounds way more sketchy than it really is. We’re not really the “party it up in Vegas” kind, especially since she’s sixteen.)
We’re going to see Phantom tonight, and then lounge about in DeNae’s pool until she kicks us out.
I hope your week is shaping up to be nearly as great.
(6) Comments for this blog
Now THAT sounds like an excellent road trip.
Now THAT sounds like an excellent road trip.
How terrific! Have a great time and kiss Miss D for me.
How terrific! Have a great time and kiss Miss D for me.
So awesome to have you here! And my sunburned nose enjoyed your visit, too!
So awesome to have you here! And my sunburned nose enjoyed your visit, too!