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Category: kids

It’s Like She’s Trying to Talk to Me.

My Kid 1 is in another show. She’s a star. *sigh of contentment and proud-ness* And in this show, Kid 1 plays a tap-dancer from — wait for it — Centerville, Utah, who shows up in NYC ready to storm 1930s Broadway. The show is called Dames at Sea, and there is much cheese and
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Hanging with the GATE-ors

I just got back from a so-fun morning hanging with the 3rd and 4th grade GATE-ors at my Kids’ elementary school. (GATE is Gifted And Talented Education.) Our school has a great group of kids, and the cutest teacher ever. She asked me to come in and talk to the kids about the “show, don’t
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I Think I Hate it.

It’s one of my personality defects. I hate Halloween. I know. They should just blacklist me from Mom of the Year forever and in perpetuity. It’s not going to happen. Not to someone who hates Halloween. But I do. Hate it. I hate the decorations, the bloody things and the crawling things and the creepy
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I shouldn’t have deleted it.

I get rather a lot of comments on my blog that you don’t see. More than the kind you do see. These are the kind with a zillion links to famous people I don’t know, and sometimes written in Russian/Cyrillic alphabet, and containing Offers. Such as the one I just deleted, that I should maybe
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Here’s what’s going on in my world (because I know you care): I have to renew my driver’s license. It expires on my birthday (next week). This used to be a pretty routine thing, but now requires a whole lot of preparation and documentation. No kidding. Like a SS card, and some mortgage/rental docs and
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Hey – Where’s Perry?

Oh. There you are, Perry. You can call him “Agent P.” I know. It’s almost unfair cuteness. You can visit more unintentional unfairness any time at Husband’s photo blog.
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Today, in Numbers

16: Inches of snow left in the “shady corner” of my front yard. 2: Daffodils ready to explode, any minute. 4: Kids home for Spring Break! 9: The hour I require them to be out of bed. 13: Tiny tomato plants growing in the egg carton beside my kitchen window. (Averaging 3 new ones a
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Nope. Not that kind. In fact, I have nothing to report on the Creating Something front. No, I’m talking about pencils. Do you love pencils? I do. Right here at my left hand is a jar (Mason. Pint. Narrow mouth.) full of pencils. Hang on, I’m gong to count them. Nineteen. Plus two Sharpies (one
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