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Enjoy Sweet Romantic Comedy

Category: writing

The Mojo Has Returned

Remember how I love writing? I think I forgot for a while. But waking at 5.30 to knock out a few hundred words used to be a thrill for me. There’s nothing like crossing off a major list item before the kids are even moving. It makes me feel like super-lady. Femme Fabulosa. Woman Extraordinaire.
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Just a Suggestion

You know me, I’m always full of it – I think somehow that my opinion is relevant. Hm. Well, today, I’m just saying, you might want to try this. Here’s what I just had for lunch: Carrot slices (a real, full-sized carrot, remember? Not baby nonsense) and cucumber slices (salted) and brie on triscuits. Little
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I staggered into the pantry to grab an orange. That would do it. A glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice would wake me up. After that, everything would feel right. Right hand reached up for the juicer as left hand went for an orange. But instead of lifting out a firm, heavy, juicy orange, my fingers
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Question Blog

Becca, did you do your assignment you (nearly) promised yesterday that you would do? I just did my homework. I wrote about a time I “bonded” with someone. It was a good exercise. I remembered something I haven’t thought about in nearly 10 years. Did I write anything in my WIP? Nope. So sue me.*
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Thirty-five was a very good year. (Frank Sinatra is singing in my head right now. Yes. I am a huge nerd.) Here are some of the things that I did, learned, or experienced when I was thirty-five: I did my own hair. I never got a professional haircut or any kind of color. I’m looking
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New Title

I got a note from Publisher last night letting me know that they’d decided on a new title for my book. I don’t know if I’m allowed to share it yet, so I won’t, but let me say that it’s causing a little work on my part. And we all know by now how I
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Writing Again

Sort of. Mostly for the past month, I haven’t written much longer than a blog post. Ack. It hasn’t really been in me. I know, I know… a woman of character writes whether or not she’s feeling it. Need we mention, once again, that I am not a woman of character? But school starts tomorrow,
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I have a confession. I don’t actually believe you’re going to absolve me, or prescribe repentance, or beat me with a braided leather belt, but I think I’ll fel better if I just tell you that I haven’t been writing. Um, much at all. Because I don’t want to. I could give you all kinds
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