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Category: writing


It all begins now. It’s summer. School has ended once again. I got to give my “What every boy needs to know about being a man” speech. It wasn’t that kind of speech at all; I just love to appropriate great lines from “Secondhand Lions” whenever the opportunity presents itself. (The speech wasn’t deep. Basically,
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What They Say about Writing (and How They’re Probably Right)

Hey, writer people: If you want to write, you write, they say. Do it every day, they say. And you can’t want to write, they say, based on your craven need for external validation. The writing, they say, has to be its own reward. I think this is true of every writing class I’ve ever given
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Once my dad read a manuscript I’d written, and he wondered if the plots weren’t a little too dramatic. Dickensian, he called it. Did I, he wondered, really mean to make such tragic, permanent things happen to my characters? This might surprise you if you read my books (and if you don’t, let’s just say
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Jefferson and Twitter and Cleverness

Today in eleventh grade English class, we studied the Declaration of Independence. Studied like READ it, aloud, analyzing sentence structure (and holy cow, our boy Thomas could structure a sentence). We took the “We hold these truths to be self evident” sentence (which goes on and on and on) and dissected it. (I think they
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Creative Writing Class

It’s kind of unfair to say, after only a week in school, that I have the most brilliant students in the history of high school, but guys. I kid you not. I have them. Today in Creative Writing, their journal prompt was this quote from Publilius Syrus (whoever that is) – “The pain of the
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Must Be Spring Break

My only real goals for today were to sleep until 7:00 and to write thousands of words before noon. So, naturally, my sleep was riddled with stress-dreams, rendering sleep-in impossible. Alas. Dreams about the classroom, the writers conference, the summer camp, the Prom, and the graduation. That pretty much covers it, until I start having
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I’ve had ever so many great ideas of blog posts in the past 3 weeks. And I’ve had an interface problem for each one of them. Boo. But there’s this principle that we mention a whole lot at our house: “Ask for what you want and you might get what you want.” I asked for
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Trying Something New (Surprised?)

Is anyone interested in trying a little thing with me? I’m at the knife-edge of my wits these days (I know that is in no way hard to believe) and I actually think that if I manage to squeeze in 30 minutes of writing time I may increase the will to go on. (I’m not
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